German-Tunisian educational partnership in Orthopedic Technology

Our Students Attend a Seminar in Recklinghausen

The practical seminar as part of the project “German-Tunisian educational partnership Orthopedic Technology” took place from May 31st to June 13th 2013 at the Max-Born-Kolleg in Recklinghausen. The overall project is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany and serves to establish a national educational program in Tunisia while training local capacities to take the leadership in training future generations of professionals.

German support of the profession in Tunisia dates back to the 1990s, when through a German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) project 12 professionals were educated at the BUFA school in Germany. Following a visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Guide Westerwelle, to Tunisia last year, the German government decided to foster development of prosthetics and orthotic in the country by funding this project. Partners in the project are Sequa GmbH, the Centre d’Appareillage Orthopédique and Human Study e.V., aiming to provide Tunisian orthopedic professionals with high quality education in accordance with international standards prescribed by the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics. The Ministry for Social Affairs in Tunisia supports the project. The participants are 23 orthopedic technicians from Tunisia, mainly employees of the Centre d’Appareillage Orthopédique in Tunis, but also of private service providers.

group photo of students in front of a building
Group photo of students on stairs, holding their diplomas

The implementation of the project is shared between Sequa GmbH and Human Study e.V., with Sequa taking care of the organizational aspects and coordination and Human Study running the educational (practical and academic) elements of the project. Two phases of the project are planned – the first to train a larger group of practitioners on the internationally accredited level of Technicians, and second to select the best graduates to continue towards the highest professional qualification and a Bachelors Degree in P&O.

The seminar in Recklinghausen was a regular seminar in the program, led by Michael Rexing, Orthotics Expert from Heidelberg Germany, and Christian Schlierf, P&O Expert from Germany and Human Study CEO. This was at the same time an opportunity for our students to meet with new colleagues in Germany. The whole group took two trips after the seminar. They visited the university hospital in Münster and the Federal School for Orthopedic Technology in Dortmund (BUFA). We are grateful to Mr. Matthias Quante and his team at the Max-Born-Kolleg, who have supported this event locally by putting their highly equipped workshops at our disposal and providing support to our students.